Saturday, October 12, 2019

Publication the 8th of September 2019 in VOAL Voice of Albanien, followd by visit in Vlore, thanks to Petro Marko, the organisation of the writers and poets in Vlora
You find the presentation and translations 4 poems don by the poet Ledia Duchi här

Anna Mattson and and me Kristin landed in Tirana late 12th of September 2019 , and after a breakfast with professor Sadik Bejko and the poet and organicer Alisa Velaj, and  TV session (for broadcasting the 16th of September 2019), we drove to the beautiful blue sea oft Vlora.

We were invited to participate in a literary event, poetry and music
at hotel New York, Vlora, Albanien Tuesday 17th of September 2019
Program In Memoriam Fatos Arapi (Video poetry)
Greetings from The President of Union Poets and Writers of Vlora
Ludmilla Baballeku- Perform Polifonia Son
Kristin Bjarnadottir Poems and dialogue with readers
Poets of Vlora- Reading their poems
Alisa Katroshi- Perform Napolitano Songs
Anna Mattsson Reading poems. Dialogue with readers
Organiser Petro Marko, the poets and writers of Vlora.

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